
Birthday Girl

7:00 PM

This cute girl turned SEVEN last week. Seven? That can't be right. But it is and she milked two weekends worth of celebration out of the deal. :)

The Sunday before her birthday we had her grand parents and Libby's great grandmother, Mot, over for birthday lunch. Libby enjoyed being the center of attention...and of course cake!

Georgia Kate was excited about the cake, as well!

We really enjoyed the time with our family. It was special to me and I know Libby felt loved. 

The next weekend, Libby celebrated with her friends. We invited five friends, plus two moms, to see Home. We loaded up on candy, drinks and popcorn and it was a hit! The girls giggled throughout the movie and had the best time.

After the movie we came back to our house for cupcakes and ice cream. 

Happy Birthday to our sweet Libby! 

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