From my Phone
7:00 AM
Occasionally I upload pictures from my phone just to sort through them all. I'm never disappointed when I go back and see all the cute, weird, funny stuff we've been doing.
The last few weeks in pictures from my phone show that:
We've posed for selfies.
And I recreated a twisted pony tail I saw on Pinterest.
That we've enjoyed some spirited (and very PINK) softball games.
That Libby earned the game ball.
And she was still proud the next morning before school.
That I put on an Anna costume at work. Just pretend I had red hair. ;)
That Georgia Kate and Libby were looking cute on a Saturday afternoon. So I had to take a few pictures.
This shot was taken by my friend, Pam, after church Sunday. Drew was out of town.
This picture is when I had to bring in reinforcement with Libby's math homework. It was hard. And she's in first grade. It involved cutting shapes then gluing them to make a quadrilateral. A whaaat? Apparently will need to brush up on my geometry skills. Sigh.
That's life from snapshots on my phone. Until next time, blog friends.
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