Halloween Recap
12:21 PM
October was a flurry of go, go, go. We ended the busy month with Halloween. I pulled together costumes for the girls and for me and Drew without spending too much time or money. 'Cause no body has time to waste fretting about costumes.
Libby and GK put in requests for their costumes - GK wanted to be a super hero. Libby, Miss America.
I took Georgia with me to a few stores and she chose her own super hero get up. It wasn't any particular hero, she just wanted the cape and mask. She chose a precious, purple outfit and she was pleased as punch.
Libby's request took a bit more thought. We set out to find a sash. But with very little choices, I decided to make one for her. Thanks to some wide wire ribbon and glitter paint we were good to go.

Our neighborhood was FULL of trick-or-treaters.

Our neighborhood was FULL of trick-or-treaters.

The Friday evening before Halloween, Drew and I attended an annual costume party with friends. I wasn't settled on a costume, but it hit me while I was painting Libby's sash.
So this year's costume was Miss Understood and her lovely escort.
So lovey and royal!
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