Summer Vibes

11:56 AM

Why is it we look forward to summer with great excitement and when it finally arrives it seems to slip out of our fingers like sand? It's going so fast. Anyone else feel that way? The school year never seem to zip by with the same speed. A great mystery, indeed. 

The first three weeks of summer break have done just that, flown by in a flash. We've been very busy, so maybe that's why.

Vacation Bible School has come and gone - and it was really fun! We were SUBMERGED in God's Word and had a good time each night with our friends at church.

Libby attended Smiths Station High School's Little Paws Cheer Camp. Each afternoon she gave me a great report. GK and I went the last day to watch her end-of-the-week performance. All the girls were cute and Libby showed off her moves. If you know how shy she can be at times, then you might have been surprised, she danced and cheer with lots of spirit! 

The icing on the cake was that our babysitter is now the assistant Varsity cheer coach, so Libby got to hang out with her and feel special!

Libby and Miss Madison

Libby and her favorite senior, Kingsley

After the performance Georgia Kate found a mat and did about 20 forward rolls. Can't stop her spirit, folks!

As soon as VBS and cheer camp wrapped up, we packed for the beach. We spent 4.5 days with Drew's family. 

The Parkman cousins

Libby stayed an extra couple of days with Drew's mom and cousins while the rest of us came home. Drew had to return to work and I have another big event around the corner, my first Triathlon! 

Told you it's been very busy! Keep enjoying your summer and put the brakes on for me...I don't want it to end!

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