
10:16 AM

The Halloween fun continued into the weekend.

Thursday night, Coop, Libby and I hit our local Chick-fil-a's Fall Festival. Libby played a few games, scored some candy, ate some nuggets. But was most excited about the hayride!

Our town trick-or-treated Saturday night, instead of Sunday, but it was all the same to Libby.

We started out early and stopped by our friend, Amanda's, house.

She baked cupcakes and Libby was a big fan!

Then we joined our friends, Brett and Beth Leatherwood. They had lots of good food and a hayride! Who could compete with that?

(Image borrowed from Photografs Through our Lens. Brittaney has more cute photos from the night on her blog.)

We loaded up and cruised the entire neighborhood. It was just perfect for the little kids (okay, who I am kidding? The parents, too!) We would hop off, walk to several houses, then get back on the hayride and ride to the next street. Libby really enjoyed herself this year. She knew to say, "Trick-or-Treat" and "Thank you" at each house. She also knew to stay away from any houses that had scary decorations. One house went very scary with their decorations with ghosts, cobwebs and spiders. We were walking towards the porch when Libby told me, "We not go there." Smart girl!

It was a great night and she racked up enough candy to last us a long time!

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  1. Looks like a great Halloween success! Glad she was into it this year...she looked adorable!

  2. I knew that picture looked familiar;)
    Glad we got to hang out with y'all and see Cowgirl Libby!


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