Thankful Thursdays

7:00 AM

Several friends on Facebook are listing something they are thankful for every day in November. I like the idea and thought I'd do my own variation for the blog. So every Thursday in November I'll feature Thankful Thursdays. I encourage others to do the same. There are no guidelines, you can be thankful for one thing or five, doesn't matter. Come on, let's give thanks!

This week I'm thankful for my family. I am thankful that most of our immediate family lives near us. I often reflect on how lucky we are to have parents and grandparents (even a great grandmother) that love us so much. I love that they can stop by to see Libby or that she can spend the afternoon playing at their house. These simple moments are priceless.

I hope you'll take time to reflect on the things/people you are most thankful for.

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  1. I'm doing the same thing on my blog, but trying to list one thing for each day of November. Hopefully I won't slack!

  2. I'm thankful for you!! You are one of my best friends and I am so grateful that I am able to have you in my life. And Libby made an adorable kitty for Halloween!

  3. Oh this is such a great idea. Kate at Southern Belle Simple mentioned she has a friend on Facebook that's doing this as well. What a better mindset we will have when we start each day thinking of blessings in our lives to be thankful for.

    Great post Beth! It's always so wonderful to see how God is blessing us and our families.

  4. I adore the photo of Libby and her dad, it looks like she's either giving him a kiss on the cheek or telling him a secret; either way- totally precious! Love the Thankful Thursday idea :)


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