
Spring Things

3:36 PM

Spring is here, it's finally here!

 Each year when the weather starts warming, I make a list of spring things that need to be done. I want to put away all the heavy sweaters and pack up my down comforter and swap them out for new, brighter, exciting items. Guess there really is something to the old phrase "Spring Fever"? Here are some things I'm getting into this spring:

Jamberry nails

I've been hearing about Jamberry nails for over a year. They are nail wraps that take the place of polish and last for several weeks.  I finally took the plunge and ordered some. Here is my first attempt using the wraps. I did an accent nail on each hand. 

I plan to wear these colorful wraps this spring and summer. Just not at the same time ;) 

Chambray top

This trend is still going strong. I plan on pulling my chambray tops out for multiple wears this season.

Bright colored flats

I'll take one of each color, please.

And these cute Sam Edleman boat shoes caught my eye. I found a pair on eBay. 

Self tanner

I swore off tanning beds year ago - just too dangerous. But I love having a tan. So I have tried a few different self tanners. I'm currently using the True Blue Spa (a Bath and Body product) but have heard great reviews on the Rodan + Fields sunless tanner. 

A tan makes me feel less afraid of showing some skin after having been covered all winter long. 

What's on your spring 2015 must have list? Feel free to pass on your tips to me. Here's to a new season of sunshine and running our air conditioners. 

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