
Spring Break - Part 1

1:30 PM

Hallelujah and Amen! We finally made it to Spring Week. Actually my Spring Break fell the week before Libby's. Not ideal, but we made it work.

The first weekend of my break was filled with softball activities and an early birthday dinner for my Mom. Her birthday isn't until May. But she requested we spread the celebrations out since we have four birthdays within our immediate family in the month of May. We had a nice meal with the girls and my parents. Happy Birthday Mimi...in a few months!

Since Libby was in school and we couldn't travel early in the week I scheduled two doctors appointments for myself and ran several errands. 

Wednesday I drug 3+ years of clothes that Libby had outgrown and sorted them all. I grouped them by sizes and put them away in vacuum-sealed bags. It was not an easy task, but it felt good to have get that job done. Georgia Kate has clothes ready for the next four years. Seriously, no one buy her any clothes

I also tried a new Jam Berry design on my nails. 

Since I was off I was able to go to Libby's school during the week. I had lunch with her Tuesday and got to attend her awards program Thursday. She was recognized for making All A's and having Perfect Attendance.

 We continue to be proud of our smart daughter!

That afternoon I checked her out of school (which she thinks is so cool), met up with Mimi and Georgia Kate and headed off to the sunny (but cold!) Gulf of Mexico.

Spring Break - Part 2 to be continued...

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