
Spring Break: Part 2

10:05 AM

Thursday afternoon of my Spring Break Mimi, Libby, Georgia Kate and I took off for a long weekend at the beach. 

We stopped at the Florida Welcome Center. Who knew there was so much to do at the rest area?

We got Panama City Beach early evening and got settled. The next morning the girls were up EARLY. It turned out to be a very cool morning. So after breakfast and cartoons we bundled up for a walk on the beach. 

Searching for shells kept the girls busy.

And playing in the sand never gets old. Ever. 

The first two days were cool and windy. The sun broke out the second afternoon. It was still chilly, but it sure was pretty to sit and watch the ocean. 

Georgia Kate thinks snacks taste better at the beach. I agree. 

And those sunsets never disappoint. God's handiwork for our viewing pleasure. 

We couldn't keep Libby out of the pool. The pool was rumored to be heated, but even Libby admitted it was chilly. She LOVES to swim. 

Our last day sure was pretty! Finally a little warmer, but still windy. Thankfully it was warm enough to shed our long sleeves and hoodies. 

Georgia Kate tested the water. It was FREEZING! 

Then she spent the next 30 minutes bundled up like a baby burrito. She was content to sit and chill.

Drew had been fishing in another part of Florida, but drove over to pick up me and GK. Libby and Mimi were lucky ducks and got to stay at the condo a few extra days. 

It was a fun trip, even though the weather was not exactly ideal for beach lounging. I enjoyed quality time with my mom and daughters. 

Spring Break 2015 was a good one!

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