End of Year Madness
10:33 AM
It happens every year. In late April I crack open the calendar and I break into a slight sweat. The weeks of May are penciled, penned and highlighted. The end of school is near and the activities are in full swing. Birthdays, class parties, church activities, reunions, weekend trips. The list seems to get longer every year.
I lovingly call it End-of-the-Year Madness. It's a combination of fun, stress and excitement. So we brace ourselves and get through the month.
Here are a few snap shots from the here, there and everywhere over the month.
Libby's school celebrates the end of the school year with their annual field day called Wet Fest. They play all sorts of water games and relays. The kids love it!
I took the day off (because it's fun!) and had a good time playing with Libby and her friends.
Vacation Bible School is next week, but we started working on the stage set several weeks ago. I volunteered to paint. And when I brought it home, guess who wanted to help?
I was smart and called in reinforcement from friends.
Making progress on the panels. I'll post pictures of the entire set once it's set up on stage.
We also participated in our church's AWANA end-of-the-year program.
Libby was recognized for completing her second book and she was named Clubber of the Year out of her class! It's a great honor and we are proud of her for being dedicated to learning bible verses and being such a good AWANA student this year!
We also had several softball games during the last few weeks of May. We normally play twice a week. But we had three games get rained out so we had to make those up. Needless to say we spent lots of time at the ball fields.
I had to pinch hit for the team mom one night. She was out sick and asked me to cover dug out duty. Oh my! The girls are so silly...and loud!
Selfie in the dug out!
We finished the season last week and will celebrate with a team party...at our house! (What's is wrong with me? Why do I keep thinking that's a good idea?)
Happy End of the School Year to you and yours. Three more days until I begin my summer break...
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