Anniversary Trip
12:15 PM
Back in April, Drew and I celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary. 10 years married. How can that be? Aren't we still 20-something? We are parents to two children? So weird.
It is really wild to see how those ten years flew right past us. But they did. And we're still here. A team. Not without moments that we could have killed each other. And we survived the newborn phase. TWICE! Can we get a round of applause, please? Or at stiff drink?
At my suggestion/begging we held off trying to cram a trip in April since our spring schedules were so busy. We delayed our trip until June.
Around year nine I was thinking a big, week-long, out-of-the-country trip. But it didn't shake out that way...this time. We searched the Internet for trip ideas. We both had perimeters: I wanted to go somewhere we'd never been together. He wanted to go somewhere that didn't require a passport. After many hours of scoping out trip details, we decided a four-day trip to Biloxi, MS sounded like fun. And it really was!
Here's a recap of our trip:
We left Thursday morning en route to Biloxi. It was about a four-hour ride. We took our time on the way down. Stopped for lunch and enjoyed not having to make potty stops or dole out Goldfish crackers to anyone in the back seat.
We stayed at the Beau Rivage casino.
It was huge! So much to see. So much to do. The first day we just walked around the hotel/casino and made a list of all the things we wanted to do.
The first evening we agreed that we wanted to eat at the buffet that so many people had told us about.
There was so much food. It was unreal. We both ate what we could. Be we had nothing on that all-you-can-eat bar!
After we finished that meal we were so full that we agreed that was all the casino buffets we wanted for a long time!
We hit the casino after dinner and played the slot machines. Half of the fun was people watching. There was a band playing inside the casino at a bar. We took a break from the slots to watch people come and go. So very interesting!
Friday we Googled "Things to do in Biloxi".
We rode around town, saw the beaches, did a little shopping and found a small local restaurant, Burger Burger, downtown. It's only open for lunch and is right smack in the middle law offices and municipal buildings. We found it and decided to go for it. The verdict? It was so good! Try it if you're ever in town.

After lunch we spent several hours at the pool. Again more people watching while we worked on our tans.
The next day at lunch we tried another local restaurant, Sal & Mookies. It was a neat spot that had delicious pizza. Once again we stuffed ourselves.
We shopped at the casino, played more slots, enjoyed doing whatever we wanted for four days. It was a nice break from our "real" lives.
This was a machine Drew was hot on for several hours Saturday night. He was so funny, I had to hold his seat when he went to the restroom or when he got up for any reason. We had fun waiting for the TRIPLE SPIN icon to hit!
We had a great long weekend in Biloxi, MS. Happy 10th Anniversary, Mr. Parkman. Love you!
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