Georgia Kate's First Day in K3
10:06 AM
A little late on this post, but she's so cute you won't even notice that Georgia Kate started Pre K-3 last month.
She moved upstairs to the 3-year-old class. She was (still is) thrilled about being a "big girl". She loves her teachers Ms. Trish and Ms. Jolesa!
She is learning shapes, colors and letters. She sings us the sweetest songs ( The B-I-B-L-E, My Country Tis of Thee) and quotes scripture at the dinner table. Thursday night while she was waiting on us to fix her plate she said, "In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth. Genesis 1:1." Drew and I both stopped in our tracks. Then we cheered for her and made her say it again. :)
We just know it's going to be a great school year for her! Georgia Kate makes life fun!
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