

3:27 PM

A few weeks ago I tried a personal shopping site called Trendsend I read about on The Small Things blog. Here's how it works: a personal shopping site picks out pieces of clothes or jewelry that you might like and mails it to you. You try them on and keep what you like. They charge you for only the items you keep and you ship what you don't like back to them.

I had heard of this before, but not this company. Several of my friends have tried Stitch Fix and had good results. I liked the idea, but had never taken the time to complete the online profile.

After Kate posted about her experience, I decided finally give it a try.

The first step was to create an account on TrendSend's site. They asked LOTS of questions about your style, if you have a dress code at work/school, your age, your clothing size and height, your price points, you can even post pictures of yourself to show the personal shoppers.

Once I completed the profile, I got a notification that they would be pulling items to ship to me. Cool! I waited a week or so and the package finally arrived.

I immediately pulled all the items out to see what they had chosen for me. Really fun! Evereve sent a letter explaining what to do. I had five days to try on the clothes and make a decision. They also included the brands and prices for each item.

The box arrived on a Friday afternoon. I actually had to wait until Sunday during nap time to have enough time to try each piece on without any helpers...ahem, children dragging the pieces all over the house.

Here's what they sent:

1. Sleeveless drape dress ($58) and stretchy, fitted black tank ($28).

The dress, while cute-ish, wasn't a good fit. It was baggy in the front. The colors were okay, not great.

I really liked the fitted tank. It was long and was a nice layering piece for fall and winter. The dress went in the "no" stack, the tank in the "maybe" stack.

2. Next was a very long, grey duster. Or a really long cardigan.

It was just so much fabric. I'm not short, but I'm not tall. I like idea of the long sweater, but I felt like a kid dressing up in her dad's shirt. Weird. Grey long sweater went quickly into the "no" stack. 

3. Next up were grey stretch pants. They had a side zipper and were thick, so they were a little more sturdy than a legging. But they were very fitted. I don't think I would feel comfortable wearing them to work. The tag said they were $88. Nope, too much for a skin tight pant.

*side note - did you notice that the items to this point were lacking color? The box was weak in the color department* 

4. Next item was a long, flowy black top. It was a thin, thermal material with a waffle design. It liked it okay, but wasn't blown away with it. It was $68.

I paired it with the tight grey pants. Cute but underwhelming.

View from the back. I like the length in the back. But the outfit was a little bland.

5. The next item was this long, tassel necklace. Priced at $28.

6. The last piece I tried on was this Aztec print sweater vest priced at $68. It was very cute! I tried it on with the black tank, but normally I would wear a top with sleeves.

View from the back.

Look closely, it has fringe!

This was my favorite piece from the box. But I was hesitant to keep it because I have a flowy open-front sweater that I bought last winter in a very similar pattern. Black and tan aztec. Darn!

After sorting and trying some items on a second time, I decided not to keep any items. Some pieces were a bust. Some were cute, but pricey. And I felt like all the items lacked color. The box was heavy on grey, black and muted colors. 

I packed all the items and shipped them back (with a pre-paid label). Then I logged into my Trendsend account and shared feedback on which items I liked, didn't like, etc. 

The final verdict? Trendsend is worth a try! I may update my profile in the future and give the idea of online personal shopping another go round. 

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