Cheer and Cheer!

2:28 PM

The two weeks leading up to Christmas have come and gone. Georgia Kate's class proudly performed in her school's Christmas program. She did a great job and was absolutely precious on stage. 

The girls performed with the children's choir at church. Both did a great job performing Christmas songs.

The proud grandparents after the program.

Later that week Libby cheered in her first Upward Basketball game last week. I didn't know what to expect leading up to the game. Libby, while never quiet at home, is low key and shy in public. So when she came home begging to sign up for cheerleading, I wasn't sure how she'd feel about performing in front of an audience. 

Pregame poses.

I'm please to share that Libby's has embraced cheering. She did a great job! She hit all the motions and really enjoyed herself during the game. She was smiling the entire time. :)

My Bunco group had our annual Christmas dinner and ornament swap Sunday evening. The food and fellowship was great and I came home with an adorable ornament!

And Chris kept the girls entertained each morning.

We made it to Christmas break...wahoo! I'll be back soon to share Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

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