Christmas Celebration

3:05 PM

The first days of our Christmas break flew by. We played with friends, finished last minute shopping and wrapping and just like that it was Christmas Eve.

We started Christmas Eve with my side of the family. We attended a candle light service at my parent's church. Then came home for dinner.

We were excited to have my brother, Drew, and his girlfriend, Jessenia, visiting from Colorado.

After dinner we were ready to open presents. And Papa entertained us with this beard!

We headed home and hurried to bed. It was late and we didn't want Santa to pass our house.
He didn't let us down. Christmas morning Libby found a Razor scooter waiting for her.

Georgia Kate scored her first bike!

She immediately tried to ride it...on the carpet.

Once our family arrived we had breakfast and the girls opened more presents.

It was a fun morning. I needed a nap! But it had to wait. We played with our new toys for a bit then it was time to head to the farm for another round of Christmas with Drew's side of the family.

Baby Camden. :)

This little girl! :)

GK and Libby with Great Grandmother, Motsie.

And all the granddaughters with Mot. Cute bunch right there.

After lunch it was time to open more presents.

Between all three rounds the girls (and me and Drew) received too many nice things. We are thankful and know we are loved.

And one last surprise. Drew's dad got the granddaughters pink Daisy BB guns. They can't raised country girls without learning to shoot.

Drew and Libby took a little target practice to get used to the guns.

Libby loved it and caught on quickly.

Then I had to have a turn. Bang Bang!

It was a fun day-and-a-half. We came home tired, full and toting too many presents.
Christmas night the girls talked me into opening one of Libby's new games, Headbanz.

We had a very Merry Christmas. I hope you did, too.

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