Weekends Slide By
9:45 AMI'm home from a conference in Montgomery. I had a good time (yes fun at a work-related conference) and enjoyed my stay in the Renaissance Hotel, but was happy to return home to my precious baby and my sweet husband. {Who did a great job of being a single dad while I was out of town.}
Before I headed out-of-town Monday morning, we packed in a busy weekend. Saturday morning we went to Brandt Blain's birthday party. Libby slipped, slid and played hard. She fell asleep on the way home, always a good indicator that fun was had!
Saturday night we took my dad, Papa, out to dinner for Father's Day. We enjoyed our meal at the new Houlihan's restaurant and had a nice time with my parents. Libby cruised the hotel lobby and made friends with our waitress.
We had a fun weekend, good thing we have the week days to rest up!
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