Fourth of July Trip
12:00 PMHappy Belated Independence Day! I hope you had a good holiday and a fun weekend. We packed up Thursday after work and headed to Apalachicola, FL. We arrived to the fish camp (just didn't want you to be jealous that I was going to a lavish beach-front resort!) late Thursday night.
I don't know about "World Famous" but my husband sure does love this place!
Friday the guys did some fishing in the Bay and Libby and I stayed around the camp. Drew and I took a boat ride and did some fishing ourselves Friday afternoon. Then after dinner, Libby got to take her first boat ride. She was a good sport! {More on this later.}
Friday afternoon we walked down to the dock and let her check out her Daddy's boat. She really liked it, there was lots to explore!
Libby walked around and checked the whole place out.
We enjoyed our weekend. It was relaxing, okay, and extremely hot, but it was a change of pace to be out of town and away from our daily duties.
Drew and I realize just how lucky we are to have a happy and content traveler. Miss Libby cooperates so well that we don't hesitate to hop in the car and make a quick trip. This is why I am afraid to have any other children, surely we can't be that lucky again, right?
We enjoyed our long weekend and hope to make a few more trips before the summer is over.
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