Christmas Catch Up

9:43 AM

The days leading up to Christmas were busy getting last minute things done. But we did take some time to enjoy baking Christmas treats.

We were invited to Coop's house for an afternoon of baking. Libby really enjoyed herself. For every decoration she added to her ginger bread house, at least one piece went into her mouth.

  We exchanged presents with Coop and Libby played with her niece and nephew and all their toys. She loves being there!

This is where Libby found Chris, our elf, on Christmas Eve. This was his last stop of the year and she thought it was funny. He flew back to the North Pole that evening. He was fun to have around, even if Libby wasn't the least bit concerned with him reporting her behavior. ;)

Next up...Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

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  1. Sounds like yal had so much fun and that Mickey mouse cookie is precious. Elf is so much fun and I love the oven picture!

  2. She's getting so big!! she looks like such a perfectionist while lining up all the gumdrops on the gingerbread house, lol!! LOVE the elf idea :)


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