Art and Bunco

3:00 PM

It happened. Libby checked a rite of passage off her list. She wrote on the wall. All OVER the wall. We'd been outside playing and made our way in. I sat (my very tired and pregnant self) down in the living room. She was coming and going as usual between the living room and kitchen. After a minute I noticed the door between the two rooms was closed. I called her in the room and asked her to open the door. She did with no complaint. A minute or so later, Drew came in the door from work. I heard him say, "Libby, what have you done?" They were having a conversation, then she walked in the room. Drew had sent her in to report to me. But when I asked her what she'd done, she kept quiet. No response.

When I rounded the corner, this is what I saw...

Holy wall drawings!! 

She knew she was in BIG trouble. She immediately burst into tears. I didn't freak out or yell, I attribute that partially to being stunned. I had her go sit on the other wall. This tore her up. She began wailing. And did so for the next five minutes. Thanks to a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser, the "art" came off. Wow, glad we have that behind us.

Her timing couldn't have been any better. We were having company the very next night.

We had a great group of friends over for Couples Bunco Friday night. 24 people total, a full house!

There was nary a dull moment. This was one loud and crazy group of folks!

The night was a success! Thanks, everyone, for an entertaining evening!

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  1. Poor Libby. Well i guess we can be thankful for Magic Erasers! Haha! I still remember the time I tried to impersonate Rembrandt in my bedroom. Yikes.

    I haven't played Bunco in ages. Thanks for the reminder - I've been racking my brain trying to think of something fun to do when we host our Supper Club again next month!

  2. Bless you heart, My kids have each had their turns with art on the walls. I just dont know why they seem to think it is a canvas. lol
    Bunco is always so much fun and have never thought to do a couples Bunco.

  3. Oh my, well my walls pretty much all look like that. I am not happy about it - and Mr. Magic Eraser did NOT work!
    Do I spy Little George??? I miss him and his quirky ways! :)


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