
Still walking...

10:02 AM

Hello and I hope your week is going well. I'm still walking up a storm and laughing at myself when I think silly things like, "I must walk 3,000 steps before lunch!" I wonder if I'll have any friends if I keep this up? 

Last weekend we made our annual girls trip to see an AU Gymnastics meet. Libby had a picture just like this last year. She wanted another one this year. Funny.

Coop organized a big group of moms and daughters to go together. We cheered on Auburn and Arkansas as we watched the gymnasts flip, swing and fly. It's pretty cool to see! Auburn won the competition and we had a fun night with our friends. 

I mean who is cute in her pink on pink on pink outfit? GK is! Everything about her cracks me up. Her personality is soooo different from Libby. People warned me about this, but it's just amazing how contrasting my daughters are. Yet I love them both just they way they are. They LOVE each other and play together really well. Well, until Libby shouts, "Stop touching my toys, Georgia!" But right up until that moment, it's touching.

Not that you had any doubt, but I'm still obsessively tracking my steps on my Fitbit. I had a new high step count this week - 14,552! I would promise my friends that I'll stop sending them pictures when I get a high number, but I probably won't stop. Sorry about that, friends. 


 A few years ago, I converted the side of my cabinet to a chalkboard surface for the girls and I to decorate and color. Project details here. I've been trying out new art every month or so. This is my motivation for cloudy, cold January days. 

I hope you have sunshine on your cloudy days, too.

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