
Recovery and a Cute Valentine

11:41 AM

Hi everyone. I've been away from the blog world for over a week. I had to have inner ear surgery last week. It was a very specialized procedure and it was like nothing I've gone through before. It was really, really bad. I'm happy to report the surgeon was successful in fixing what needed fixing, but whoa, it was major! It's behind me now and I've returned to work and making a slow, but strong come back. Thank you to my friends and family that took care of us, fed us, called us, texted us and prayed for us. We appreciate it! A special thank you to my friend, Kathryn, who opened her home to us. And a huge hug and kiss is due to my husband. He lived up to the "in sickness and in health" part of the deal.

We had to travel to UAB hospital, about two hours from home, so that was an added obstacle. We spent two nights in Birmingham and boy did I miss my girls. Though I was in a post-surgery fog, I was so glad to hug my babies and be reunited with them when we got home.

Look at this little Valentine.

Momma and her best girls

Happy almost Valentine's Day. Remember, no matter how easy the doctors may make it sound, NEVER agree to inner ear surgery. You'll thank me later. ;)

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