
Who Turned Off the Heat?

3:09 PM

The cold blast of winter weather we've endured this week has me wishing and dreaming about the warmer weather to come. I looked at the calendar the other day to pump myself up - only four weeks until spring break. We can make it!

For me, this week has been extremely busy at work. But a few cool things come with busy weeks. Like I got to get in some fast (parked) cars! 

A police cruiser

And a Tesla - a fancy, expensive electric sports car. Vroom vroom.

I picked up a new book at church this week. It's an autobiography about a family from our area that was featured on Extreme Makeover Home Edition. The couple already faced challenges while raising their young son with spina bifida, when they found out Jeremy Williams (the husband and father) had ALS/Lou Gehrigs disease. He's very active in spreading story and his faith in God. Even though he can't speak or do anything on his own.

It's a really good read. And extremely humbling.

And if spring wasn't on my mind enough, this beauty arrived in the mail. Look at those bright colors and flowers!

Libby kicks off her first softball practice this weekend. She's excited about the coming season. Drew and I are looking forward to seeing our lefty on the field. :) Have a great weekend and stay warm, friends. 

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