
Fieldtrip, Fire and more random Fun

11:10 AM

The stomach bug invaded our house last weekend. It hit Georgia Kate in a bad way and we hoped, prayed and Lysol-ed everything in sight to keep the virus from spreading. 

We are so lucky that it was less than a 24 hour bug. And hear me when I tell you - stickers make everything better. :)

Thankfully we got through the week with no other victims. It's a good thing because Libby had a field trip to historic Westville - a town that is set up to show case living in the 1850's - planned with her class. Drew went with her and they had a good time. 

She got to try her hand at making candles.

And took a wagon ride pulled by mules. 

Gotta throw a peace sign all the time in first grade, right?


New topic. Is there anything cuter than your toddler finally having enough hair to sport a pony tail? The answer is no.

We endured another cold and damp weekend. Spring, where are you?! I started getting stir crazy trying to entertain inside the house. Cartoons, board games, naps and sisterly fighting can only go on so long. So Drew rescued us with the idea to light our fire pit. 

The girls loved it! 

We roasted marshmallows. 

And ate them until I had to cut them off. 
Gosh mom, this was only my 12th one. Lighten up!

It was coooold and windy. After about an hour the girls were ready to go inside. But it was fun distraction to get us through the afternoon.

And I'll leave you with this fabulous hairdo I created for Georgia Kate. Many schools are celebrating Dr. Seuss' birthday this week. Today was crazy hair day at GK's school. 

She didn't really understand why I was making her look so silly, but she loved it! 

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