Early Summer Recap

7:00 AM

We started summer with a bang. Vacation Bible started exactly two days after my last day at work. With my talented friend, Jill's, help, the painted set was finished and we got the stage ready in time for VBS. 

Both girls enjoyed their classes each night. Libby got to hold the Bible during assmebly one evening. Cool!

And Georgia Kate LOVED the music each night. She danced. A lot!

The final evening the kids got to showcase all they'd learned for their parents. GK was front and center showing off her animated moves. 

We had a great time this summer at VBS and loved taking a Journey Off the Map.


The following weekend we closed out Libby's softball season with an end-of-the-year pool party at our house. 

I've said it in an earlier post, but we had a great group of players and parents. Several of the moms pitched in and we pulled out a fun afternoon to celebrate our season with the Lil' Angels. 

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