
Thanksgiving Break + Iron Bowl

11:26 AM

Thanksgiving 2015 has come and gone. We had a great week off from school and work and really enjoyed the down time. 

The week before Thanksgiving Georgia Kate's daycare hosted a Thanksgiving lunch for parents. She loved that I came to eat with her. I enjoyed my meal of turkey, dressing, beans and pumpkin pie. She enjoyed her roll...then mine. 

With two friends, Aric and Isabelle, from class. 

Our week off was pretty low key...and it was AWESOME! I didn't set an alarm all week. Granted, my children rise with the sun, but we could stay in pajamas, eat breakfast together, watch cartoons. It was just lovely.

I had to get a picture of this moment with GK. I was having coffee while she was eating cereal. She's so funny and animated. She is in a precious stage and I want to press pause, but I can't. 

I snapped this selfie after her nap one afternoon. She's so cuddly and sweet when she wakes up. 

Monday and Tuesday we took advantage of our time at home and put away all our fall decorations and started pulling out Christmas decor. Libby was a big help this year. She loved unpacking the Tupperware boxes and helping me decorate. 

Wednesday afternoon we made plans with friends to see a movie. We saw The Good Dinosaur. It's the first time I've taken GK to a movie. My mother-in-law has taken her and she did very well. 

We stocked up on Dollar Store candy and movie theater popcorn. She was tickled!  She stayed in her seat about 65% of the time. She sat with me (and Hedges) part of the time and stood beside my seat the rest of the time. Other than some loud talking (ha!) she did really well. The movie was cute and it was fun to see our friends.

Our elf, Jesus Christmas Parkman - aka Chris, showed up over the break. Both girls were thrilled! Libby knows the drill. GK really has no idea why this elf is around, but she likes him. :)

Thursday arrived and we enjoyed a day of family. We started off by watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade at home. Then we got dressed and headed to the farm for lunch. 

You know I had to get a few pictures before we left the house. It's what I do. 

Drew's grandmother hosted a wonderful meal and the house was full of family. It was fun to visit with Drew's cousins that live out of town. We passed babies around and the older kids enjoyed playing together. 

Libby and her cousin, Cayden.

We played and hung around the farm that afternoon. A great, relaxing day!

I did some Black Friday shopping online on Thursday. I even ventured out to a few stores Friday afternoon. I got some Christmas shopping finished, but wasn't willing to fight the crowds all day.

Saturday we woke up early because...it was Game Day! Iron Bowl Game Day, to be exact!

We dressed in our respective teams..ahem, we are a house divided. Some of us are Alabama fans - Wahoo! Roll Tide! 

Some are Auburn fans. Sigh. 

But we love them anyway.

We tailgated with lots of friends. It was a very pretty afternoon. Warm and sunny, perfect tailgating weather!

Our buddy Harrison with Georgia Kate

My in laws were very kind and allowed me to use a ticket to go into the game. Yes, even though I'm a Bama fan. Very nice of them!

I headed to the stadium to meet my MIL while Drew and the girls went to the farm for naps and to watch the game on TV. 

If you watched the game then you know that Alabama pulled out a win. But Auburn kept the game pretty close for over half of the game.

It was fun (and stressful at times) to experience the game live.
Since they won the game, Alabama's next stop is the SEC Championship.

And lastly, check out this hilarious app we found over the break. It's called Die Hard Fan.

It scans your face, then virtually paints your face in your favorite team's colors. Libby thought it was so funny! 

It really was!

We had a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving holiday week. Now the countdown to Christmas is on...

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