Cold February

12:46 PM

We rolled right into February after January flew by. I snapped these pics of Georgia Kate enjoying a pretty afternoon riding around the farm. Her faces...she's so funny!

And the winning shot of the day!

It's nothing new, but often I catch myself shocked at how grown Libby is looking and acting these days. She LOVES to go with me when I have a hair appointment. She enjoys the one-on-one time and walking around the salon and pretending to be older than she really is. 

Since my appointment wrapped up around 1:00 pm, I let her pick our lunch spot. She has rediscovered Subway in the last month. We've eaten there three times in three weeks. 

I took this picture to send to Drew. When I sent the message I paused at how pretty and grown up she is. She'll be 8-years-old in a couple of months. Sigh.

The same afternoon we - oh heck, I worked on her Valentine Box to take to school. We looked at Pinterest for ideas. I told her to keep it simple, my skills are limited...ha!

The box began like this...

This is the design she chose. I was able to recreate the Mickey box on the left. 

The same afternoon Drew got the fire pit going. Both girls have been asking to roast marshmallows. We finally had a Saturday afternoon at home with cold weather. So the girls' wish was granted. 

And this is how you enjoy roasted marshmallows...

So good! :)

Libby's Upward Cheerleading season is officially over. We attended the closing ceremony last weekend. She had a great experience and we look forward to next year. She said she may play basketball next year. 

She's pictured here with her two cheer coaches, Mackenzie and Brianna. I was really impressed with these girls because they coached on a volunteer basis. They were at every practice and every game. And they did a GREAT job! Our squad was always cheering, dancing and organized. It made for a fun, stress free season. Kudos to these teenagers for making it a wonderful season!

Over the weekend I was inspired by Mix and Match Mama's blog to clean my Keurig. Have you cleaned your Keurig lately? 

Step by step instructions HERE

Have a great week! 

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