Deacon Ordination

4:09 PM

Recently Drew was nominated and invited to be a part of the Deacon team at our church. He was very honored to be asked. After we talked and prayed about it, he accepted the invitation. The last Sunday in January he was ordained during a special service. 

Members of our church along with our families and several of our close friends were there with us. The service was very meaningful and special. Drew's long time preacher at his home church of Crawford Baptist, Steve Williamson, was the guest speaker. His message was fitting. We were blessed that he was part of the ordination.

The service ended with other ordained men laying hands on Drew giving us both words of encouragement and prayer.

Drew with our pastor, M.R. Hamilton, after the service. 

Drew with Steve Williamson. 

Proud of you, Dad!

A special thank you to our families for attending.

We'll remember the service for many years. Such a special night!

“For even the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve, and to give his life a ransom for many” (Mark 10:45)

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